Cooperative Bank Of Kenya wins Catalyst Award

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Cooperative Bank of Kenya has emerged the best bank in Kenya .

This is according to Kenya Bankers Association who used clients case study feedback to award the banks . Equity Bank came second and Kenya women Finance Trust (KWFT) came third. KWFT was lauded for being the best bank in promoting gender parity through policy formulation and implementation while Kenya Cooperative Bank garnered the best bank on sustainable finance category .

Other categories awarded include operations , supporting Small Medium-sized Enterprise (SMEs) , covid 19 response , commercial , most innovative bank and financing the informal sector . KBA commended institutions for trying to look at how technology can be used to reach untapped and marginalized market segments to enhance their service delivery to its customers .

KBA recognized the effort banks put in creating long-term value in financing Small Medium-sized Enterprises that has lead to growth in SMEs .They also recognized the financial support the informal sector (Jua Kali ) is getting that has to helped add value in the economy , society and the environment .

KBA also acknowledged how financiers responded to the covid 19 pandemic through aligning their operations and lending practices to support their clients and country’s economic road to recovery .

by June Jepkemoi

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